

Cishet is a term to describe individuals who are both cisgender and heterosexual/heteroromantic. In other words, a cishet individual is someone who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth and are attracted to the opposite/dissimilar gender.[1] It is also used by LGBTQ+ individuals to describe anyone who is not part of the community in any way, shape or form[2], however this argument tends to not be inclusive of those who may be a-spec, those who are only partly cisgender or hetero, or those whose gender and orientation is fluid and only sometimes cisgender and hetero.citation needed

Other terms for this include allocishet, pericishet, periallocishet, monocishet, monoallocishet, perimonocishet and perimonoallocishet. These terms are often preferable to make it clear that one is referring to someone who is not part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
COGAP Similar An acronym for individuals who are not part of the LGBTQ+ community in any way. COGAP includes cishet individuals, along with other conformant terms.
Conformant Similar A term for anyone who falls into the expected societal ideas for some form of identification. Conformant individuals may be cishet, but they don't have to be.
LGBT+ Opposite An acronym to refer to the community. Cishet often describes an individual who is not part of the community.
Queer Opposite A term for individuals who fall outside cultural norms around identity. Cisgender and heterosexual are conformant terms and thus considered non-queer.
Variant Opposite Describes an individual who does not fall into the expected cultural ideas of roles or self-identification. Cishet individuals may be variant, but that isn't always the case.


  1. Ferguson, Sian. “10 FAQs about the Difference between Being Cisgender and Straight.” Healthline, 23 Sept. 2019,
  2. Piñeiro, Sophia Melissa Caraballo. “What Does Cishet Mean?” Cosmopolitan, 24 Sept. 2021,