Sapphic For Sapphic


Sapphic4Sapphic, Faunic For Faunic (Faunic4Faunic), Daunic For Daunic (Daunic4Daunic), or Lesbian For Lesbian (Lesbian4Lesbian) is a term that describes a woman/woman-aligned/non-binary individual who chooses to only be in sapphic and queer relationships. They choose to only date those who are women/woman-aligned/non-binary, who also love women/woman-aligned/non-binary individuals.

This includes those who are lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, m-spec, etc.


The term and its flag were created by The MOGAI Dragon on Tumblr on September 15th 2021.[1]

It was mentioned prior by the user on September 10th 2021 that xe were going to create this term.[2] The post has since been deleted.


  1. The MOGAI Dragon. "Sapphic4Sapphic". Tumblr, 15 Sep. 2021,
  2. The MOGAI Dragon. "What are mean lesbians and watermelon gays?". Tumblr, 10 Sep. 2021, Archived on 06 Oct. 2021.