Gender Alignment

(Redirected from Aligned)

Not to be confused with gender alignment in the context of transgender transitioning.

Gender Alignment is an aspect of gender referring to the way an individual's gender may intersect with other genders.citation needed This concept is often used by non-binary individuals who experience an alignment with a binary gender that is not expressed by their gender identity, but any gender can have an alignment to any other. Alignment is not identifying solely as the gender identity itself but a quality of it, or partial aspects of it. To describe oneself as an individual with an aligned gender, one would use the term gender-aligned, replacing gender with the specified gender that they are aligned to. For example, an individual that is aligned to femininity might describe themselves as feminine-aligned.

Alignment overall is designed to denote a smaller fragment of someone's gender as a whole. Rather than one saying they are a man and a woman, they may instead refer to themselves as a man-aligned woman to clarify that being a man is a smaller aspect compared to their womanhood.

The term gender alignment is intentionally vague and it can be used to describe several different things.[1] Using women and men as examples, possible meanings can include:

  • An individual who is partially a man or woman.
  • An individual who is man or woman in addition to other gender identities (bigender, trigender, or otherwise multigender).
  • An individual with a vague or partial connection to being a man or woman.
  • A genderfluid or genderflux individual who is only sometimes a man or woman or is sometimes partially man or woman.
  • An individual who connects to being a man or woman through experiencing man or woman specific attraction (eg. an individual may be woman-aligned because they are a lesbian or feel attraction to other women as a woman).
  • An individual with a gender identity similar to, but not the same as a man or woman (juxera/proxvir).
  • An individual with a vague or partial connection to masculinity or femininity, regardless of their gender identity.
  • An individual who presents masculinely or femininely regardless of their gender identity.
  • An individual who has experiences similar to that of a man or woman (lunarian/solarian).
  • An individual who is treated as or perceived as man or woman by society, or who interacts with society in a way similar to men or women.
  • An individual who is woman-related/man-related.

Gender alignment is a personal experience, and due to the vague definition of alignment, these experiences tend to vary greatly between individuals.


  1. wedontcareaboutyourbinary. "-ASKED BY AHHTHEHORROR-DEACTIVATED2019070". Tumblr, Archived on 5 Sep, 2022.