Galactian Alignment System

(Redirected from Phoebian)

The Galactian Alignment System or Galactian Alignments is a gender system created for non-binary individuals to describe their gender without having to use binary terms such as “masculine” or “feminine aligned”.

The theme being space was chosen largely due to the fact that space is genderless, but aspects of it are often personified to have/symbolise/be related to gender or qualities associated with gender in some way for artistic, religious, or cultural reasons.[1]

See also:

Anterian (Demigender galactic alignments)

Multiversian (Multigender galactic alignments)

Alignment Genders

Term Flag Description Coiner
Antiversian Antiversian refers to antigender or ungender alignment and is a term for being anti-aligned, negatively aligned, or negatrois-aligned. Unknown[2]
Aurorian Aurorian refers to an individual who is fluid between alignments. System-Lgbt[3]
Boötian Boötian or boötean is an agender alignment describing an individual who is AGIN aligned.

Boötian is used as an umbrella term, the names and descriptions of which are below:

Term Flag Description Coiner
Alkaluropsian Boötian and stellarian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Arcalísian Boötian and lunarian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Arcturian Boötian and solarian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Artemiboötian Boötian and artemian ix-c-999[5]
Boötihelian Boötian and helian ix-c-999[6]
Boötiselenian Boötian and selenian ix-c-999[7]
Boötiastraean Boötian and astraean ix-c-999[8]
Hesperiboötian Boötian and hesperian ix-c-999[9]
Izarian Boötian and spacialian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Junian Boötian and penumbrian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Merganian Boötian and cometian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Muphridian Boötian and pistolian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Nekkarian Boötian and eclipsian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Nikawiyan Boötian and novarian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Phoebiboötian Boötian and phoebian ix-c-999[10]
Quadranarian Boötian and galaxian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Rhoian Boötian and atlasian eternaspacic[11]
Seginusian Boötian and nebularian mogai-trender-sideblog[4]
Calypsian Calypsian refers to an individual who is androgynous-aligned. restings4dface[13]
Centriversian Centriversian is a centrigender alignment and refers to experiences where one's alignment is centered in between multiple galactian alignments. imoga-pride[14]
Euversian Euversian refers to an individual who is absolutely aligned, as opposed to singularian or unaligned (nonaligned). It could also mean positrois-aligned, meaning positively aligned with a gender or a group of genders, but not specifically known or defined.

It does not necessarily indicate it's a binary alignment, they could be comgender-aligned or aligned with another abinary gender.

Lunarian Lunarian refers to an individual who is feminine-aligned. nonbinary-sapphic[1]
Omniversian Omniversian refers to an individual who is pangender/omnigender aligned.

Omniversians experience every galactian alignment, accessible within ones own life experience and culture.

Paraversian Paraversian defined as parallelly aligned, or oblique alignment. Paraversians are neither omniversian or singularian, or not euversian nor antiversian. Unknown[17]
Solarian Solarian refers to an individual who is masculine-aligned. nonbinary-sapphic[1]
Singularian Singularian refers to rejecting all ties to any alignment. Stellunarian[18]
Spacialian Spacialian refers to individuals who are xenine aligned. u/gwhy334[19]
Stellarian Stellarian refers to an individual who neutral aligned or unaligned. nonbinary-sapphic[1]
Voidrian Voidrian refers to an individual who is kenochoric aligned noenfluid[20]


Term Flag Description Coiner
Artemian Artemian is a subset of lunarian that describes someone who is feminine-aligned or otherwise has a connection to femininity. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Someone who is fingender.
  • Those who are partially fingender.
  • Those who are connected to femininity in some way.

Artemian only specifies that one is feminine-aligned, one does not necessarily have to be woman-aligned.

Astraean Astraean is a subset of stellarian that describes someone who is neutrois-aligned or otherwise has a connection to neutroisness. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Those who are connected to neutrois gender without necessarily being neutrois.
  • Those who are partially neutrois.
  • Someone whose gender experiences are similar to that of a neutrois individual.

Astraean only specifies that one is neutrois-aligned, one does not necessarily have to be neutral-aligned as well.

Helian Helian is a subset of solarian that describes someone who is man-aligned (or male-aligned, boy-aligned, or guy-aligned) or otherwise has a connection to manhood. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Those who are partially men.
  • Those who are connected to manhood without necessarily being a man.
  • Someone whose gender experiences are similar to that of a man.

Helian only specifies that one is man-aligned, one does not necessarily have to be masculine-aligned.

Hesperian Hesperian is a subset of stellarian that describes someone who is neutral-aligned or has connection to neutrality in some way. This includes, but is not limited to:

Hesperian only specifies that one is neutral-aligned, one does not necessarily have to be neutrois-aligned as well.

Phoebian Phoebian is a subset of solarian that describes someone who is masculine-aligned or has connection to masculinity in some way. This includes, but is not limited to:

Phoebian only specifies that one is masculine-aligned, one does not necessarily have to be man-aligned.

Selenian Selenian is a subset of lunarian that describes someone who is woman-aligned (or female-aligned, girl-aligned, or gal-aligned) or otherwise has a connection to womanhood. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Those who are partially women.
  • Those who are connected to womanhood without necessarily being a woman.
  • Someone whose gender experiences are similar to that of a woman.

Selenian only specifies that one is woman-aligned, one does not necessarily have to be feminine-aligned.



The terms used in the galactian alignment system were coined in August and September of 2016 on a Discord server with several Tumblr users. Around the same time Tumblr users Nonbinary-sapphic and Vergess made a post explaining the galactian system.[1] The combinations of the main three terms, stellarian, solarian, and lunarian, were coined soon afterward.

Flags and Symbols

The galactian alignment flag was created by wiki user tired-axolotl on April 6, 2021. The orange stripe represents solarians, maroon represents singularians, dark purple represents lunarians, light purple represents spacialians, dark green represents stellarians, and light green represents aurorians. The white stripe represents individuals who have combinations of alignments. The yellow, black, and gray stripes are in every non-combination galactian flag. Like in the other flags, yellow represents the non-binary nature of individuals who use the galactian alignment system, the black represents genderlessness, and the gray represents varying degrees of gender.Citation Needed


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Nonbinary-sapphic. "Describing Alignment". Tumblr, Vergess, 29 Nov. 2016, Archived on 21 Jan. 2022.
  2. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Antiversian Pride Flag". ' 20 Mar. 2021, Archived on 23 Aug. 2023.
  3. System-lgbt. "Galactian System (Expanded!)". Tumblr, 25 Jul. 2018, Archived on 14 Apr. 2019.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 mogai-trender-sideblog. "More boötian terms!". Tumblr, Accessed on 25 Jul. 2024. Archived on 16 Aug. 2022.
  5. ix-c-999. "artemiboötian". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 14 Dec. 2024.
  6. ix-c-999. "boötihelian". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 14 Dec. 2024.
  7. ix-c-999. "boötiselenian". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 14 Dec. 2024.
  8. ix-c-999. "boötiastraean". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 14 Dec. 2024.
  9. ix-c-999. "hesperiboötian". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 14 Dec. 2024.
  10. ix-c-999. "phoebiboötian". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 14 Dec. 2024.
  11. eternaspacic. "rhoian". Tumblr, 03 Apr. 2023, Archived on 14 Dec. 2024.
  12. mogai-trender-sideblog. "New galactian term!". Tumblr, 6 Jan. 2021, Archived on 15 Feb. 2022.
  13. restings4dface. "i coined a term". Tumblr, 10 Nov. 2021, Archived on 12 Nov. 2021.
  14. imoga pride. "Centriversian Flag". Tumblr, 11 Oct. 2022,
  15. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Euversian Flag". Tumblr, 20 Mar. 2021, Archived on 23 Aug. 2023.
  16. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Omniversian Pride Flag". Tumblr, 14 Mar. 2021, Archived on 16 Feb. 2022.
  17. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Paraversian Pride Flag". Tumblr, 29 May. 2021, Archived on 7 Jul. 2024.
  18. Stellunarian. Tumblr, 6 Mar. 2017, Archived on 20 Apr. 2020.
  19. gwhy334. "Creating more terms for the galactian alignment system. More info in the comments". Reddit, 15 Nov. 2020, Archived on 19 Feb. 2021.
  20. noenfluid. "voidrian: a kenochoric aligned galactian alignment". Tumblr, 01 Mar. 2021, Archived on 27 Jan. 2022.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Neopronouns. Tumblr, 9 Feb. 2021, Archived on 19 Jul. 2024.
  22. Ix-c-999. "astraean". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 20 Dec. 2024.
  23. ix-c-999. "Hesperian". Tumblr, 29 Mar. 2024, Archived on 20 Dec. 2024.