

Main Umbrella: Gender Quality

Not to be confused with Androgyne.

Androgynous or lingine is a gender quality used to describe those who present a specific set of traits that is traditionally associated with both femininity and masculinity, or someone that is neither specifically/solely masculine nor feminine.[1][2] These traits typically refer to one's gender identity or one's gender presentation.[3] Though it is associated with enbies or individuals of an androgyne and/or neutral gender, it is not exclusive to them, and can be used by men, women, and others.

The word androgynous is a combination of the Greek words andros meaning male, and gyn meaning female.[4]

The exact qualities of androgynous depends greatly on culture and time period.

Western Androgynous

Due to androgynous being a mixture of feminine and masculine, it is often presented in various ways. For example, a woman in a dress that has short hair may identify as androgynous, but a woman wearing a tie that has long hair may also identify as androgynous. The ratio of one's masculine or feminine traits also vary, where one for example may identify as 80% masculine and only 20% feminine. One does not have to be evenly 50% masculine and 50% feminine to be androgynous.[5]

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Androgyne Counterpart A gender associated with femininity and masculinity, and a connection to girlhood, womanhood, boyhood, or manhood. Androgyne is the stereotypical gender counterpart to androgynous.
Feminine Similar A specific set of traits that are traditionally associated with women and/or girls. Feminine does not include the masculine qualities of androgynous.
Masculine Similar A specific set of traits that are traditionally associated with men and/or boys. Masculine does not include the feminine qualities of androgynous.
Neutral Similar A specific set of traits that are not traditionally gendered. Androgynous is a combination of gendered traits.

Flags and Symbols

The androgynous flag was posted by beyond-mogai-pride-flags on the 30th of January, 2019.[6]

Many androgynous flags and symbols use the color purple, to represent the mixing of masculine blue and feminine pink.[7]


  1. Resnick, Ariane. "What Does the Term Androgynous Mean?". verywellmind, 28 Feb, 2022,
  2. "androgynous". Merriam-Webster, Accessed on 29 Nov, 2023.
  3. Olsen, Stephanie. "What Androgynous Means: Definition & Gender Expression in the Workplace". Inhersight, Accessed on 29 Nov, 2023.
  4. Berlinsky-Schine, Laura. "What Androgynous Means: Definition and More". Fairygodboss, 20 Sep, 2019,
  5. deLune, Felix. "Non-Binary Characters And The Androgyny Conundrum". Felixdelune, 2 Sep,'t%20(always)%20split,masculine%20traits%20(elaborated%20above)..
  6. beyond-mogai-pride-flags. "Androgynous Pride Flag". Tumblr, 30 Jan, 2019, Archived on 27 Jan, 2022.
  7. Sotska, Julia. "Androgynous - What is it? What does it mean?". Taimi, 19 Dec, 2022,