Omni (orientation)

(Redirected from Omniflux)

Orientation: Any
Prefix: Omni-
Main Umbrella: Mspec
GxG Format: ? x @^?

Genders: All
Attracted To: Any (usually with a preference)

Omni (orientation) is an orientation prefix encompassing the attraction to all genders[1], the Latin prefix 'omni-' meaning 'all' or 'universally'.[2]

Some individuals who identify with this term have a gender preference and some do not. However, it is most commonly interpreted as including a gender preference to distinguish it from pan (orientation) individuals.


The word omnisexuality appears as early at the 1959 beat poet Lawrence Lipton's The Holy Barbarians, but the first time it was described in the context of the current definition was in a 1984 text titled simply Sexual Choices: An Introduction to Human Sexuality.[3] This text described omnisexuality as "a state of attraction to all sexes", stating that some researchers believe that every individual is born omnisexual before developing their sexual attraction into the labels of homosexual, heterosexual, or other orientations.

The term spread even further in the early 1990s as M. Jimmie Killingsworth undertook an analysis of the poet Walt Whitman.[4] In Killingsworth's study, he found that Whitman had a general omnisexual character throughout his work The Leaves of Grass. In the 2010s, The Atlantic noted that his poetry expresses sexuality towards all genders, sometimes even the sea or the Earth.

Omnisexual was a common message board term in the 2000s. The knowledge of this term was boosted even further when several celebrities, such as Janelle Monáe and Brendon Urie, came out as pansexual.[5][6] The media made several non-monosexual terms known in the mainstream as that took place. Many popular articles discussed omnisexuality alongside these celebrities' pansexuality.

Omnisexuality in Fiction

Fictional characters Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood, Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Kevin Crawford from Paradise P.D. have been canonically confirmed as omnisexual.citation needed Omnisexuality is also referenced in Big Mouth, and Deadpool from Marvel Comics has a fluid sexuality due to fluctuating brain cells.citation needed

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Bi Similar Attraction to two or more genders Omnisexuality encompasses attraction to all
Pan Similar Attraction to all genders Omnisexuality can indicate a preference; Pansexuality rejects attraction to gender constructs
Poly Similar Attraction to many genders Omnisexuality encompasses attraction to all


Label Orientation Flag Creator(s)
Omniadornic Adornic OmniAdornic.png[7] titans-flag-space
Omniaesthetic Aesthetic [8] Fy
Omnialterous Alterous [9] Pride-Flags
Omniamical Amical Omniamical.jpg[10] titans-flag-space
Omnimari Amarous Omnimari.png[11] titans-flag-space
Omnimodian Amodian Omnimodian.png[12] titans-flag-space
Omnimoirallegic/Pale Omni Pale PaleOmni.png[13] mx-princey
Omniplatonic Platonic Omniplatonic.png[8] Fy
Omniqueerplatonic Queerplatonic Omniqueerplatonic.png[14] Cool-Location9912
Omniromantic Romantic Omniromantic.png[15] Pride-Flags
Omnisensual Sensual Omnisensual1 fy.png[8] Fy
Omnisexual Sexual Omni.png[16] Pride-Flags

Prefixes and Suffixes

Label Prefix / Suffix Flag Description Creator(s)
Omni-abro[17] -abro [17] An individual who is attracted to all genders but the gender(s) they prefer changes. Liver.On.A.Plate
Omnicurious -curious First Definition: Omnicurious is a sexuality for individuals that are questioning whether or not they're omnisexual. They may be primarily attracted to one or a few genders, but be questioning and unsure if they're attracted to all genders while not being gender-blind like pansexual individuals.

Second Definition: One may be primarily attracted to one or few genders but are interested/curious/open to all genders

First Definition- Unknown

Second Definition- a1ly[18]

Omniflux -Flux [19] When the intensity of one's attraction towards a specific gender can fluctuate, while still being attracted to all genders. Xaetherplex
Omnomi/Omnioriented Omnomi/Omnioriented an identity where one is omni- in all of their orientations Omnomi- Reign of the breadsticcs[20]


Combination Identities

These are identities that use the Split Attraction Model (SAM) or one who uses these can be referred to as Varioriented/Variangled, it can also be referred to as Multioriented.

Label Sexuality Flag Description Creator(s)
Omni-Achillean Achillean Refers to when a man, or male-aligned non-binary individual may be attracted to all genders, but they prioritize their attraction to men and/or male-aligned individuals. benjos-jammies
Omni-Gay Gay
Omni-Heterosexual Heterosexual Asayae
Omni-Lesbian Lesbian les_bi_an[22]
Omni-Sapphic Sapphic Refers to when a woman, or woman-aligned nonbinary individual may be attracted to all genders, but they prioritize their attraction to women and/or women-aligned individuals. benjos-jammies
Omni-Veldian Veldian

Flags and Symbols

The omnisexual flag was designed by Pastelmemer on or before July 4, 2015.[23][24] Although the meaning of the colours are unconfirmed, a commonly understood meaning is as follows: The light pink and light blue represents the gender spectrum. Pink represents attraction to femininity and women. Blue represents attraction to masculinity and men. Deep purple (sometimes depicted as black) represents attraction to individuals whose gender identity falls outside of the named categories.

An alternate flag was made by FANDOM user TheNelsonSystem on July 22, 2021. It was made by an alter with tritanopia colour blindness as an exact/near-exact version of how they see the omnisexual flag.citation needed

Another alternate flag was created by Cryptocrew at Hayden000's request on January 16, 2021, and was first published on a post one day later.citation needed In Cryptocrew's flag dark blue represents men, mid-blue represents masculine genders, light blue represents non-masculine genders that have masculine presentation (such as azurgirls), dark green represents the agender/genderless spectrum, yellowish-green represents demigenders, yellow represents non-demigenders and non-genderless individuals with neutral presentation (such as a pewt man), red represents women, pale red represents feminine genders, reddish-pink represents non-feminine genders that have feminine presentation (such as rosboys), black represents anonbinary genders, purple represents androgynous genders, grey represents non-outherine and non-androgynous genders that present androgynously or in an amaranthian manner (such as a linproche agender individual), white represents fluid genders/multigenders and individuals with fluid or multiple presentations, and the yellow design represents attraction and community, and a burst of love/attraction.

The omni-abro flag was created by Liver.On.A.Plate, the colors emulating the colors on the omnisexual and abrosexual flags with a pastel tint. The gold ring in the center represents the infinite love for all genders.[25]


  1. "Omnisexual". Merriam Webster, Accessed on 29 May. 2023. Updated Cite: 22 Dec. 2024
  2. "Omni-". Merriam Webster, Accessed on 29 May. 2023. Updated Cite: 22 Dec. 2024
  3. "Sexual Choices: An Introduction to Human Sexuality". ' Wadsworth Health Sciences Division, Accessed on 29 May. 2023. Updated Cite: 22 Dec. 2024
  4. Aspiz, Harold. "KILLINGS WORTH, M. Jimmie. Whitman's Poetry of the Body: Sexuality, Politics, and the Text.". ' 10 Dec. 2012, pp.98-100. Updated Cite: 22 Dec. 2024
  5. Lang, Cady. "Janelle Monáe Comes Out as Pansexual: ‘I’m Open to Learning More About Who I Am’"., 26 Apr. 2018,
  6. Spanos, Brittany. "Panic! At the Disco’s Brendon Urie comes out as Pansexual". RollingStones, 06 Jul. 2018,
  7. Titans-flag-space. "adornic orientation flags". Tumblr, 12 Dec. 2024,
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 beyond-mogai-pride-flags. "It was simple enough to do". Tumblr, 24 Jun, 2018,
  9. Pride-Flags. "Omnialterous". DeviantArt, 13 Apr, 2021,
  10. Titans-flag-space. "amical orientation flags". Tumblr, 12 Dec. 2024,
  11. Titans-flag-space. "amari orientation flags!". Tumblr, 09 Nov. 2024,
  12. Titans-flag-space. "amodian orientation flags". Tumblr, Accessed on 15 Dec. 2024.
  13. Mx-Princey. "PALE ATTRACTION". Tumblr, 04 Aug. 2022,
  14. Cool-Location9912. "Hi, here's an omni queerplatonic flag". Reddit, 2021,
  15. Pride-Flags. "Omniromantic (1)". DeviantArt, 10 May, 2016,
  16. Pride-Flags. "Omni-". DeviantArt, 4 Jul, 2015,
  17. 17.0 17.1 "Omni-Abrosexual". LGBTQIA+ Wiki, 30 Jul, 2022,
  18. A1ly. "Omnicurious (second definition)". Tumblr, 15 Sep. 2022, Archived on 16 Sep. 2022.
  19. Xaetherplex. "Omniflux"., Accessed on 19 Jan, 2025.
  20. Reign of the breadsticcs. "new termiesssssss and flagiesssssssssss". LGBTA Wiki, 30 May. 2021, Archived on 30 Aug. 2021.
  21. Variant Archive. Tumblr, 12 Oct. 2018,
  22. @les_bi_an. Twitter, 07 Jul. 2020,
  23. Pride-flags. "Omni-". Deviantart, 04 Jul. 2015,
  24. Pride Color Schemes. "Omni-". Tumblr, 04 Jul. 2016,
  25. "Omni-Abrosexual". LGBTQIA+ Wiki, 30 Jul, 2022,