

Marinegender is a xenogender umbrella for individuals that identify as or with various marine life, including fauna and flora, the prefix marine meaning "of or relating to the sea".[1]

Possible Interpretations

Marinegender can be...

  • affected by marine life and their related concepts such as oceans, seas, water, fish, sand, depth, and more;
  • only present when around the ocean, seas, beaches, or marine life;
  • has the characteristics of marine life or the ocean, such as being large, deep, mysterious, fluid, and more;
  • an expression of marine life, oceans, and related aesthetics, including shells, the colour blue and green, and more.


Label Prefix / Suffix Flag Description Creator(s)
Genderjellyfish -jellyfish Genderjellyfish.png[2] For individuals whose gender relates to jellyfish. This gender feels as if it is calmly floating around in the deep ocean with a soft, translucent glow. It causes one to have a relaxed, apathetic or disconnected view from gender.[2][3] amerafluid
Pinkdolphic Pinkdolphin / -ic Pinkdolphic.png[4] For individuals whose gender is related to pink dolphins.[5][4] seadelune


  1. "marine". Merriam-Webster, Accessed on 10 Mar. 2023.
  2. 2.0 2.1 amerafluid. "Genderjellyfish". Tumblr, 01 Jun. 2021, Archived on 19 Feb. 2023.
  3. Blankdango. "Genderjellyfish". Gender Wiki FANDOM, Accessed on 10 Mar. 2023. Archived on 25 Feb. 2023.
  4. 4.0 4.1 seadelune. "🐬🩷 PINKDOLPHIC 𓏧". Tumblr, 24 Feb. 2023, Archived on 24 Feb. 2023.
  5. "-ic". Wiktionary, Accessed on 10 Mar. 2023.