

Orientation: Any

Genders: Women and Non-Binary
Attracted To: Women, men and non-binary

Luminian refers to someone who is who is non-binary and a woman and is attracted to men, women, and non-binary individuals.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Courscatian Counterpart Refers to an individual who is non-binary and a man who is attracted to women, non-binary and men. Courscatian individuals are non-binary and a man
Opalian Counterpart Refers to someone who is non-binary and a man who is attracted to men and non-binary individuals. Luminian refers to those who are non-binary and a woman and are attracted to women.
Spinelian Counterpart Refers to someone who is non-binary and a man who is attracted to non-binary individuals and women. Luminian refers to those who are non-binary and a woman and are attracted to men.
Iridian Similar Refers to someone who is non-binary and a woman who is attracted to women and non-binary individuals. Iridian individuals aren't attracted to men.1
Jaspian Similar Refers to a non-binary individual who is attracted to men, women, and non-binary individuals. Jaspian individuals doesn't include being a woman as an identifier2
Taaffeitian Similar Refers to a woman, or woman-aligned Individual, who is attracted to women, men, and non-binary individuals. Taafeitian doesn't include non-binary as an identitier.2

1 One may still be attracted to men but still identify as Iridian.

2One though may still identify as either a woman or non-binary.


The term luminian was coined by Tumblr user Medic-crow around May 13, 2018.[1] The flag was designed by the user Xeno-aligned on May 14, 2018, it was based off the iridian, opalian, and spinelian flags. The purple represents wlm, pink represents wlw, white represents nblnb, green represents nblw and blue represents nblm.[2]


  1. Xeno-aligned. "Luminian and Courscatian". Tumblr, 13 May. 2018, Archived on 17 Dec. 2022.
  2. Xeno-aligned. "Luminian and Courscatian flags!". Tumblr, 14 May. 2018, Archived on 15 Mar. 2023.