

Orientation: Any

Genders: Non-Binary
Attracted To: Women, Men, Non-Binary

Jaspian or versian refers to a non-binary individual who is attracted to men, women, and non-binary individuals.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Courscatian Similar Refers to an individual who is non-binary and a man who is attracted to women, non-binary and men. Jaspian refers to individuals who are solely non-binary. 1
Luminian Similar Refers to someone who is who is non-binary and a woman and is attracted to men, women, and non-binary individuals. Jaspian refers to individuals who are solely non-binary. 1

1One may still refer to themself as a man or a woman.


The term jaspian its flag were created by Tumblr user dispositiondocket on May 20th, 2018.[1][2]

On June 3rd, 2018, Tumblr user xeno-aligned coined versian and its flag as an alternate term to jaspian, The term comes from the word universe, keeping with the space-themed terms for non-binary individuals.[3]

An alternate versian flag was created by FANDOM user Alpinecorvid on March 27th, 2021.citation needed


  1. dispositiondocket. Tumblr, 20 May. 2018, https://archive.md/iL6dJ. Archived on 15 Oct. 2021.
  2. dispositiondocket. "Jaspian- nblnb, nblm, and nblw.". Tumblr, 20 May. 2018, https://archive.md/QTcwg. Archived on 15 Oct. 2021.
  3. xeno-aligned. "Versian". Tumblr, 03 Jun. 2018, https://archive.md/xcKP0. Archived on 26 Jun. 2021.