(Redirected from IWHV)

Sexual Characteristics: Vagina

People Who Have Vaginas (PWHV), or Individuals Who Have Vaginas (IWHV), is a term for anyone who has a vagina, regardless of gender.

This includes individuals who have had a vagina since birth and individuals who have had gender affirming surgery to create a vagina. It was coined to combat the ideology that having a vagina is what makes someone a woman, and to promote gender-neutral language and terms. The term allows simplicity in describing genitalia in medical situations, where describing individuals as "female" may ignore the existence of intersex and trans individuals.

Other names used for this concept include PHV (People Having Vaginas), VAPs (Vaginal People), and was formerly named POV (People of Vaginas) and IOV (Individuals of Vaginas).


The terms POV and IOV were coined by Cryptocrew on March 13, 2021.[1] It was coined to help relieve dysphoria and discomfort in many genderqueer individuals. The alternative wordings of PWHV, PHV and VAP were coined by Wiki user foreigntoolmaker on September 30 (What year?).[1]

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
PWHN Counterpart An acronym meaning "People Who Have Neither." PWHN refers to anyone who has neither a penis nor vagina.
PWHP Counterpart An acronym meaning "People Who Have Penises." PWHP refers to anyone who has a penis.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "PWHV". LGBTQIA+ Wiki, Accessed on 12 Jul. 2023.