

Prefix: Darkmatter-
Main Umbrella: Sciencegender

Gender(s): Qualities of dark matter

Darkmattergender is an umbrella term for any xenogender that can be best described using qualities of dark matter.

The coiner Meat ice cream described it as:

There is evidence that there is matter changing the gravitational pull of other matter. The "dark matter" is undetectable, at least using modern science. Darkmattergender is comparable. A darkmattergirl, for example, might present more fem, prefer fem pronouns and think of themself as a girl, but have no real sense of gender. The gender is there, changing things, but undetectable.[1]


Darkmattergender was coined by Wiki user Meat ice cream on the 9th of April, 2023.[1]


Label Suffix Flag Description Creator(s)
Darkmatterboy -Boy Darkmatterboy.png Identifying as a boy in a way that relates to qualities of dark matter. Meat ice cream
Darkmattergirl -Girl Darkmattergirl.png Identifying as a girl in a way that relates to qualities of dark matter. Meat ice cream


  1. 1.0 1.1 Meat ice cream. "Darkmattergender". LGBTQIA+ Wiki, 10 Apr, 2023, https://new.lgbtqia.wiki/w139/index.php?title=Darkmattergender&action=history.