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Unstraight, also known as non-straight or straight'nt, is an umbrella term for anyone that is not straight.


The first known use of unstraight was on February 8th of 2019, by Tumblr user beyond-mogai-pride-flags, the flag was made the same user on the same day.[1]

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Queer Similar Queer is an identity, an umbrella term, and often considered a movement, for sexual and gender minorities, and individuals who fall outside of and/or reject the cultural norms around sexuality, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Unstraight is just considered for those who are “not straight”


Label Orientation Flag Creator(s)
Enboric Non-straight attraction to non-binary people. goodpositivitylgbt[2]
Femaric Non-straight attraction to women or feminine-aligned individuals. goodpositivitylgbt[2]
Mascic Non-straight attraction to men or masculine-aligned individuals. goodpositivitylgbt[2]
Ultramoric An umbrella term that refers to anyone who isn't straight. Arco-pluris[3]

Flags and Symbols


  1. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Unstraight Pride Flag". Tumblr, 8 Feb. 2019, https://beyond-mogai-pride-flags.tumblr.com/post/182668315865/unstraight-pride-flag.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 goodpositivitylgbt. Tumblr, https://archive.ph/j0vrq. Accessed on 24 Jul. 2024. Archived on 27 Jun. 2020.
  3. Arco-pluris. "Ultric or Ultramoric". Tumblr, https://archive.ph/dBfp0. Accessed on 24 Jul. 2024. Archived on 26 Jul. 2022.