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Transsexual is a sex label to refer an individual whose current or desired sex characteristics doesn’t match their original natural sex characteristics.

Dysphoria and Euphoria

The transsexual experience often coincides with the feeling of dysphoria and euphoria. Sex dysphoria comes in various forms, and is described as a sense of unease due to one's desired sex or sexual characteristics not matching their current body, the levels of dysphoria differing between individuals.[1]

Signs of sex dysphoria include:[2]

  • Strong desire to hide one's sexually dimorphic body features such as facial hair or breasts
  • Disliking one's own genitalia

In comparison, sex euphoria is a feeling of ease, comfort, and general happiness when an individual has the desired sex characteristics. Some argue that transsexual should be primarily indicated by euphoria rather than dysphoria, as a sense of self and desired sex is generally more present within the transsexual experience.[3] Other parties (transmedicalism) state that an individual cannot be transsexual unless they experience dysphoria, though this is known to be harmfully limiting to as it ignores individuals that would benefit from transitioning due to euphoria. It is also harmful towards those who are non-binary and are partially satisfied with one's sex characteristics at birth.[4]


Transitioning is the process in which a transsexual individual changes a biological aspect of themselves so that they may live more according to their gender identity. Transitioning comes in various forms, the steps taken largely depending on the dysphoria or euphoria than an individual experiences. For example, an individual that experiences body dysphoria may eventually transition via surgery, but an individual that only experiences social dysphoria may not benefit from such a transition (transgender).

Non medical treatments may include:

  • Chest binding
  • Facial hair removal
  • Voice training and modification
  • Genital tucking and packing
  • Prosthetics
  • Coming out
  • Changing legal documents

Medical treatments may include:[5]

  • Feminizing vaginoplasty
  • Masculinizing phalloplasty / scrotoplasty
  • Metoidioplasty (clitoral release/enlargement, may include urethral lengthening
  • Masculinizing chest surgery ("top" surgery)
  • Facial feminization procedures
  • Reduction thyrochondroplasty (tracheal cartilage shave)
  • Voice surgery
  • Augmentation mammoplasty
  • Hysterectomy, oophorectomy, orchiectomy, vaginectomy, penectomy (sex nullification)

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Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Cissex Opposite Refers to an individual whose current and desired sex characteristics match their natural/original sex characteristics. Transsexual, one’s sex characteristics don’t match their original/natural characteristics.
Transgender Counterpart Refers to an individual whose gender identity does not entirely, always, only, or at all correspond with their assigned gender at birth (AGAB). Transgender is the gender counterpart to Transsexual


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  1. "Overview-Gender dysphoria". NHS, 28 May, 2020,,harmful%20impact%20on%20daily%20life..
  2. Mandal, Dr. Ananya. "Causes of Gender Dysphoria". News Medical, Accessed on 7 Jan, 2023.
  3. "What are Gender Dysphoria and Gender Euphoria?". Plume, 22 Sep, 2021,
  4. Earl, Jessie. "What Does the ContraPoints Controversy Say About the Way We Criticize?". Pride, 21 Oct, 2019,
  5. Madeline B. Deutsch, MD, MPH. "Overview of gender-affirming treatments and procedures". Transgender Care, 17 Jun, 2016,