
(Redirected from Sunflowergender)

Flowergender is a xenogender related to flowers.


The coiner of Flowergender is unknown but the flag was made by wiki user Scourgeface on January 15, 2021. citation needed

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Floragender Similar A gender that is influenced by or related to plants. Flowergender is specific in that it relates to flowers.


Label Prefix Description Flag Creator(s)
Buttercupgender Buttercupgender is when one's gender is connected to buttercup flowers, the aesthetic of buttercup flowers, or when one's gender is affected by buttercup flowers. ThatsJustKai citation needed
Daisygender A neutral aligned floragender and flowergender relating to light and cute aesthetics. mogai-flag-central[1]
Dandeliongender A xenogender related to dandelions. squidedibles[2]
Lavendergender A xenogender identity in which one’s gender is related/connected to lavender in any way(s). g-e-n-d-e-r-f-u-c-k[3]
Poppygender A xenogender used to describe those who have a strong connection with the poppy flower Kxedyn citation needed
Rosegender Rosegender is when one's gender is connected to roses, the aesthetic of roses, or want to incorporate roses into their gender. It may also be described as soft and delicate or sharp and pointy. Chileanywayso citation needed
Sunflowergender a xenogender that is active in the daytime but hides away when it becomes dark, connected to the sun-oriented behavior of sunflowers. gender-garden[4]

Flags and Symbols


  1. mogai-flag-central. Tumblr, 27 Dec. 2018, https://web.archive.org/web/20220127040723/https://mogai-flag-central.tumblr.com/post/181464115191/daisygender-i-believe-i-coined-this-gender-but. Archived on 27 Jan. 2022.
  2. Squidedibles. "DANDELiONGENDER!!". Tumblr, 09 Nov. 2022, https://www.tumblr.com/squidedibles/700487393151729664/dandeliongender?source=share.
  3. g-e-n-d-e-r-f-u-c-k. "Lavendergender". Tumblr, 25 Jul. 2020, https://archive.md/opKpc. Archived on 04 Aug. 2022.
  4. gender-garden. "Sunflowergender". Tumblr, 28 Jul. 2018, https://www.tumblr.com/gender-garden/176386382277/sunflowergender.