

Prefix: Mid-

Midbinary or endobinary describes non-binary genders that reference or exist within the gender binary. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • genders that are in-between male and female;
  • genders that slide between male and female;
  • genderfluid between male and female;
  • demiboy;
  • demigirl.

Midbinary also describes non-binary genders that are binary in an unconventional way. Additionally, midbinary can include genders that are in-between binary and non-binary.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Abinary Opposite Abinary describes genders that are completely disconnected from the binary genders. Midbinary genders are connected to the binary genders.
Mid-Binary Similar Mid-binary describes genders that are in-between binary and non-binary. Midbinary genders do not have to be in-between binary and non-binary.


Midbinary was coined by Tumblr user jemthecrystalgem on October 23, 2016. Midbinary was expanded on by Tumblr user autismserenity. An additional definition was added by Tumblr user jemthecrystalgem on December 16, 2016.[1]

The alternate term endobinary was coined by Tumblr user shitheadgod on October 26, 2016.[2]

On December 8, 2019, the midbinary flag was coined by Tumblr user Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags.[3]


Some individuals have expressed discomfort or worries with the term midbinary. Tumblr user pink-faerie-snowball expressed that midbinary feels too similar to male-aligned and female-aligned, which have some have used to accuse others of being "less queer/non-binary".[4] Tumblr users clostedskeleton666 and toadchavay expressed a similar sentiment. The later stated that they felt the similarities to male-aligned and female-aligned isolates midbinary individuals from other non-binary individuals.[5] Tumblr user pink-faerie-snowball also stated that midbinary feels "..more like it’s for the benefit of people who don’t understand the term nonbinary than for actual nonbinary people", but did not state a reason why.[4] Another Tumblr user, mostlybones, simply expressed general discomfort.[4]
