Mero (orientation)

(Redirected from Meroqueerplatonic)

Orientation: Any
Prefix: Mero-
Main Umbrella: Aspec

Mero- is an orientation prefix that relates to when one is okay with/interested in some acts but repulsed/averse to others.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Placiosexual Counterpart Placiosexual is defined as someone who enjoys performing sexual acts for other individuals but does not want them reciprocated. Merosexual doesn’t involve reciprocation.
Iamvanosexual Counterpart Iamvanosexual is defined as someone who enjoys having sexual acts performed on them but does not want to perform sexual acts on others. Merosexual doesn’t state about performing acts.


Label Flag Description Coiner
Meroaesthetic Meroaesthetic.png Meroaesthetic is a term for someone who is okay with/interested in some aesthetic acts but repulsed/averse to others. Unknown[1]
Meroalterous Meroalterous.png Meroalterous is a term for being okay with some alterous acts, but being repulsed/averse to others. Unknown[1]
Merodomestic Merodomestic is a term for someone who is okay with/interested in some domestic acts but repulsed/averse to others. Arlo[2]
Meroplatonic Meroplatonic.png Meroplatonic is a term for being okay with some platonic acts, but being repulsed/averse to others. Unknown[1]
Meroqueerplatonic Meroqueerplatonic.png Meroqueerplatonic is a term for someone who is okay with/interested in some queerplatonic acts but repulsed/averse to others. Unknown[1]
Meroromantic Meroromantic.png Meroromantic or meromantic is a term for someone who is okay with/interested in some romantic acts but repulsed/averse to others. Unknown[1]
Merosensual Merosensual.png Merosensual is a term for someone who is okay with/interested in some sensual acts but repulsed/averse to others. Unknown[1]
Merosexual Merosexual.png Merosexual is a term for being okay with some sexual acts, but being repulsed/averse to others Unknown[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Mero- Pride Flags". Tumblr, 24 Feb. 2018,
  2. Arlosworld91. "My coined terms masterpost (This account is no longer a coining account!)". Tumblr, 25 Jan. 2025,