AMAB Transmasc


This page could potentially be added to the ANC Trans main page as a subterm, when said main page is created.

An AMAB transmasc or an AMAB transmasculine individual refers to someone who was assigned male at birth and identifies as a trans man or transmasculine. There are multiples reasons for a such identification. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • An AMAB individual who identifies with a wolffian/wolfadic altersex identity and identifies with a mingender or miagender.
  • An AMAB individual who feels connected to transmasculinity and/or transmanhood/transmanity.
  • An AMAB individual who feels they should be someone born müllerian who feels they are a man/boy.
  • An AMAB individual who feels like a man/boy but in trans way.
  • A transsex cisgender man.
  • An AMAB individual who is proxvir, boyflux, demiboy, paraboy, multigender, etc.
  • A detransitioned man.
  • An AMAB individual who is intersex and requires gender affirming care.
  • A system transmasculine individual.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
AFAB Transfem Counterpart An AFAB transfem refers to an individual who was assigned female at birth and identifies as a trans women or as transfeminine. AMAB Transmasc is the opposite of AFAB Transfem.


It is currently unknown who originally coined the term AMAB Transmasc, or if there is an original flag, but an inclusive flag was created by sanrio-kotto on Tumblr on March 7th 2022.[1]


  1. sanrio-kotto. "Inclusive transmasc flag". Tumblr, 07 Mar. 2022, Archived on 08 Mar. 2022.