Void (orientation)

(Redirected from Voidsexual)

Orientation: Any
Prefix: Void-
Main Umbrella: Aspec
GxG Format: ?x?

Genders: Any
Attracted To: Any

Void- is an orientation prefix that describes an orientation that feels like a void or an individual who experiences a hollow feeling where their orientation would otherwise be, instead of a simple lack of attraction.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
A- Similar A- describes individuals who lack attraction. Void- experience hollowness instead of just a lack of attraction.
Gendervoid Counterpart Gendervoid is a gender characterized by an absense, blank space, or void where a gender would otherwise be. Void- is the orientation counterpart to gendervoid.


Label Orientation Flag Creator(s)
Voidromantic Romantic y0suke[1]
Voidsexual Sexual y0suke[1]


Voidsexual and voidromantic were coined by former Tumblr user y0suke on or before Feburary 7, 2015. On February 7, 2015, both terms were uploaded by former Tumblr user mogai-archive.[1]

The names voidsexual and voidromantic were based on the word void.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 mogai-archive. "voidsexual / voidromantic". Tumblr, 07 Feb. 2015, https://archive.is/VJKwx. Archived on 14 Apr. 2019.