
(Redirected from Transandic)

Multitransitional or multitrans describes someone who uses various trans terms like; transfeminine, transmasculine, transneutral etc.

Someone may use more than one of these terms for a number of reasons, including:

  • Being multigendered and their gender experience encompasses numerous identities.
  • One desires or has desired to transition or desired to have numerous gender expressions.
  • They may have one single identity but consider their experience ambiguous enough to use more than one term.
  • They may be genderfluid and so their gender experience or expression changes.
  • Being a system with members having different gender experiences and expressions.
  • One is unassigned at birth, AXAB, intersex, ANC, etc.

Related Terms

Term Relationship Description Difference
Multigender Similar Refers to one who uses/identifies with multiple genders. Multitransitional refers to multiple trans identities.

Sub Genders

Term Description Flag Coiner(s)
Transandic Refers to one who is both transxenic and transmasculine. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transbarkic Being both transxenic and transneutral. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transbloomic Refers to one who is both transfeminine and transneutral. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transdayous Being transfeminine, transmasculine and transxenic. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transdawnous Being transxenic, transmasculine and transneutral. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transduskic Refers to one who is both transfeminine and transmasculine. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transmascfem A term used to describe individuals who identify as both transfeminine and transmasculine. Unknown[2]
Transneufem A term used to describe individuals who identify as both transfeminine and transneutral. Imoga-pride[3]
Transneumasc A term used to describe individuals who identify as both transmasculine and transneutral. Nixera[4]
Transnightous Refers to one who is transfeminine, transmasculine and transneutral. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transnoonous Refers to one who is transfeminine, transxenic and transneutral. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transoftic Being both transfeminine and transxenic. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transpondic Refers to one who is both transneutral and transmasculine. ashix0trender0juice[1]
Transworldien Being transfeminine, transmasculine, transxenic and transneutral. ashix0trender0juice[1]


Multitransitional may have been coined by Tumblr user ashix0trender0juice on May 4, 2021, however they coined various combinations of trans identities and not multitransitional itself on January 6, 2021.[1] Tumblr user Gendersylphen mentioned that it was going to make several terms and flags based upon ashix0trender0juice's post on January 6, 2022.[5]

A multitransitional flag was created by Tumblr user eldorr on May 29, 2023.[6][7]

A flag was created by user JaydenWalten on May 5, 2024.[8]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 ashix0trender0juice. "Trans”fusion” terms ;)". Tumblr, 06 Jan. 2021,
  2. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Transmascfem Flag". Tumblr, 26 Jan. 2019,
  3. Imoga-pride. "Transneufem flag". Tumblr, 15 Jan. 2019,
  4. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. Tumblr, 02 Nov. 2018,
  5. Genderslyphen. "Working on multitransitional terms". Tumblr, 06 Jan. 2022,
  6. "multitransicional". Orientando, Accessed on 30 Dec. 2024.
  7. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Multitrans(itional) Flag". Tumblr, 01 Jul. 2023,
  8. JaydenWalten. "I made a multitrans flag". Gender Wiki, 05 May. 2024,