Peculic Orientation and Attraction

Peculic Attraction

Suffix: -peculic

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Peculic attraction is a type of tertiary attraction caused by other queer individuals respecting, supporting, or relating to your queer identity. A possible example of peculic attraction would be a T4T relationship based on gender affirmation.


The term was coined by Tumblr user mourningmogaicrew on January 15, 2022.[1] The term comes from the word 'peculiar', which may be a reference to queer pride.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Considatore attraction Similar An attraction based on another person's respect for your queer identity While peculic attraction must be felt towards another queer person, considatore attraction may also be experienced towards a cishet individual


Orientation Flag Creator(s)

Flags and Symbols

The flag for peculic attraction was created by the same user as the term, on the same date. It is based off the queer chevron flag.
