Pan (orientation)

(Redirected from Panflux)
Pansexuality flag.png

Orientation: Any
Prefix: Pan-
Main Umbrella: Mspec
GxG Format: ?x@

Genders: Any
Attracted To: All

Pan (orientation) is an orientation prefix encompassing the attraction towards individuals regardless of gender identity, the prefix pan- meaning "all" or "every".[1] It is also sometimes described as the attraction towards any genders in the same way or to the same degree.[2] Pan individuals may be described as being "gender blind" in that gender is not a factor in their attraction to an individual.[3]


The term 'pansexuality' as a method to describe human sexual identity emerged in the 1990s.[4]

'Panromantic' seems to have gained popularity in the mid-2000s, possibly along with the other terms that involve the split attraction model.[5]needs expanding

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Bi Similar Attraction to two or more genders Bisexuality doesn't have to encompass attraction to all
Omni Similar Attraction to all genders Omnisexuality includes a gender preference
Poly Similar Attraction to many genders Polysexual doesn't include attraction to all


Label Orientation Flag Creator(s)
Pandornic Adornic PanAdornic.png[6] titans-flag-space
Panaesthetic Aesthetic Panaesthetic.png[7] Swiftinspring
Panalterous Alterous [8] Pride-Flags
Panamical Amical Panamical.jpg[9] titans-flag-space
Panauspistic/Ashen Pan Ashen AshenPan.png[10] mx-princey
Pankismesic/Pitch Pan Pitch PitchPan.png[11] mx-princey
Panmari Amarous Panmari.png[12] titans-flag-space
Panmatespritic/Flushed Pan Flushed FlushedPan.png[13] mx-princey
Panmodian Amodian Panmodian.png[14] titans-flag-space
Panmoirallegic/Pale Pan Pale PalePan.png[15] mx-princey
Pannebulous Nebulous PanNebulous.png[16] Anonymous
Panplatonic Platonic Panplatonic.png[17] disneyfan1413
Panqueerplatonic Queerplatonic Panqueerplatonic.png[18] ask-pride-color-schemes
Panromantic Romantic Panromantic.png[19] Pride-Flags
Pansensual Sensual Pansensual.png[20] Pansensual2.jpg[21] Pride-Flags
Pansexual[4] Sexual Pansexuality Pride Flag.svg[22] shrikeabyssals
Pansocial Social Pansocial Beyond-Mogai-Pride-Flags.png[23] Unknown

Prefixes and Suffixes

Label Prefix / Suffix Flag Description Creator(s)
Omnipan/Panoriented Omni- Omnipan or Panoriented is an identity where one is pan- in all of their orientations. Omnipan-pridefull-pan[24]

Panoriented- Unknown (probably pridefull-pan)[25]

Reign of the breadsticcs[26]

Panflux -Flux Panflux.png[27] A pan individual who is gender blind, but other aspects of their attraction are fluid. pride-color-schemes

Combination Identities

These are identities that use the Split Attraction Model (SAM) or one who uses these can be referred to as Varioriented/Variangled, it can also be referred to as Multioriented.

Label Sexuality Flag Description Creator(s)
Pan-Gay Gay
Pan-Lesbian Lesbian
Pan-Veldian Veldian

Flags and Symbols

The pansexual flag was created in 2010 by shrikeabyssals.[22] The flag's meaning has been loosely defined, but most interpret the pink to represent attraction to women, yellow to represent attraction to non-binary individuals, and blue to represents attraction to men.

A common symbol for pansexuality is a P with an arrow and crossed tail. The cross is from the symbol for Venus, representing women, and the arrow is from the symbol for Mars, representing men. The symbol predates the flag.needs expanding[28]

Another panromantic flag was created by a now deleted Tumblr user, uploaded onto the DeviantArt account Pride-Flags in 2015. The red and blue represent attraction to binary men and women, orange represents attraction to genders outside of the binary and between the binary, and green represents attraction to those who are genderless or gender neutral.[29]

The pink, yellow, and blue alternate panaesthetic flag was created by sunny-flags.[30] Another alternate panaesthetic flag was created by Tumblr user arco-pluris on the 2nd of March, 2018.[31]


  1. "pan". Merriam-Webster, Accessed on 29 Aug, 2023.
  2. HRC Foundation. "Glossary of Terms". Human Rights Campaign, 31 May, 2023,
  3. Admin Silverchip. "​What it Means to be Pansexual or Panromantic". LGBT Foundation, 21 May, 2019,
  4. 4.0 4.1 Hayfield, Nikki. Bisexual and Pansexual Identities : Exploring and Challenging Invisibility and Invalidation. London ; New York Routledge, Taylor Et Francis Group, 2021.
  5. Sotska, Julia. “Panromantic - What Is It? What Does It Mean? - Taimi Wiki.” Taimi, Accessed 9 May 2023.
  6. Titans-flag-space. "adornic orientation flags". Tumblr, 12 Dec. 2024,
  7. SwiftInSpring. "Panaesthetic". LGBTQIA+ Wiki, 17 Dec. 2020,
  8. Pride-Flags. "Panalterous". DeviantArt, 4 Jul, 2015,
  9. Titans-flag-space. "amical orientation flags". Tumblr, 12 Dec. 2024,
  10. mx-eridan. "ASHEN ATTRACTION". Tumblr, 25 May. 2020, Archived on 17 Aug. 2021.
  11. mx-princey. "PITCH ATTRACTION". Tumblr, 25 May. 2020,
  12. Titans-flag-space. "amari orientation flags!". Tumblr, 09 Nov. 2024,
  13. mx-princey. "FLUSHED ATTRACTION". Tumblr, 25 May. 2020,
  14. Titans-flag-space. "amodian orientation flags". Tumblr, Accessed on 15 Dec. 2024.
  15. Mx-Princey. "PALE ATTRACTION". Tumblr, 25 May. 2020,
  16. Anonymous. "Nebulous Attraction". LGBTQIA+ Wiki, LGBTQIA+ Wiki Editors, 4 Sep, 2023,
  17. disneyfan1413. "Since the faded flag with full colour heart". Reddit, 16 Jul, 2020,
  18. ask-pride-color-schemes. "I like the first idea (pink border w/ yellow heart)". Tumblr, 19 Aug, 2016,
  19. Pride-Flags. "Panromantic (5)". DeviantArt, 10 May, 2016,
  20. Pride-Flags. "Pansensual (1)". DeviantArt, 3 May, 2016,
  21. Pride-Flags. "Pansensual (2)". DeviantArt, 3 May, 2016,
  22. 22.0 22.1 Shrikeabyssals. "I created the #pansexual flag, a thread.". Tumblr, 13 Aug, 2019,,+13+Aug.+2019,
  23. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Pansocial Pride Flag". Tumblr, 09 Mar. 2019,
  24. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. "Omniaspec Pride Flag". Tumblr, 23 May. 2018,
  25. Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags. Tumblr, 28 Apr. 2018,
  26. Reign of the breadsticcs. "new termiesssssss and flagiesssssssssss". LGBTA Wiki, 30 May. 2021, Archived on 30 Aug. 2021.
  27. pride-color-schemes. "Panflux". Tumblr, 4 Jul, 2016,
  28. "Everything you need to know about the Pansexual flag, symbol, and colors". Pansexual Colors, Accessed on 29 Aug, 2023.
  29. Pride-Flags. "Panromantic (1)". DeviantArt, 3 Sep, 2015,
  30. sunny-flags. Tumblr, 12 Apr. 2020, Dead Link
  31. arco-pluris. "plural aestheticities (multisthetic) flags". Tumblr, 2 Mar. 2018,