Gray (orientation)

(Redirected from Greyromantic)

Orientation: Any
Prefix: Gray-
Main Umbrella: Aspec
GxG Format: ?x?

Genders: Any
Attracted To: Any

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Gray (orientation) is an orientation prefix that describes an individuals’ attraction being a ‘gray area’ or having a vague defined position along a spectrum.[1]

Gray refers to when an individual’s attraction isn’t fully describable, or they experience the attraction too infrequently to be able to put words to their experience.

Related Terms

Label Relationship Description Difference
Caed- Similar Caed refers to an individual who feels as if their orientation has been 'cut away' or changed due to trauma. As is says in the description it is due to trauma, where Gray isn’t necessarily that, Gray only refers to the gray area and to the unknown of the attraction.
Caligo- Similar Caligo refers to an individual who feels their attraction is weak, vague or almost non-existent. With Caligo the individual may understand the attraction, they can acknowledge that the attraction is weak or vague, whilst with a Gray individual they can only describe it as a ‘Gray Area’ and it may not be able to be fully described.
Ceptus- Counterpart Ceptus refers to an individual who experiences little to no attraction but may experience strong desires. It can be used alongside Demi to refer to who one may have these desires. It is often used with Demi, and also describes desires while Gray does not. While Gray individuals may experience desires they still do not have an attraction or limited at best. The different between the two is the strong desires, and that one who is Ceptus may experience no or little attraction but may develop it once they develop a bond.
Demi- Counterpart The Demi prefix means ‘half’ or ‘partial’, an individual who is Demi only experiences the attraction/s once they have developed an bond with another individual. Demi individuals experience the attraction more frequently once they develop the bond, this however isn’t the case for Gray individuals who’s attraction isn’t based upon bonds but rather the vagueness of their attraction.
Fray- Similar The Fray label comes the English word fray or to be frayed, meaning to be worn out, it is often used to describe individuals who only experiences these attractions to those they don’t have an emotional connection to, they lose the attraction once they know the person. A Fray individual may use the term Gray but it only describes the loss of attraction once an emotional connection is formed, Whereas Gray the attraction is unknown and not able to be described.


Label Prefix / Suffix Flag Creator(s)
Grayaesthetic Aesthetic
Grayalterous Alterous
Grayaroace/Grayrose Aroace/Rose Grayaroace.png[2]Grayrose.png[3]Grayaroace flejefriki.pngGrayaroace flejefriki2.png
Grayattraction Attraction
Grayplatonic Platonic GrayAplatonic1.jpgGrayAplatonic2.jpgGrayAplatonic3.jpg
Grayqueerplatonic Queerplatonic
Grayromantic Romantic
Graysensual Sensual GrayAsensual1.jpgGrayAsensual2.jpg
Graysexual Sexual
Graysocial Social

Flags and Symbols
