
(Redirected from Fraynominal)
Nomifluid Flag
Namefluid Flag

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Nomifluid also known as Namefluid or Abronominal is a term describing an individual whose name is fluid and changes day-to-day or often. This is similar to genderfluid, but instead of their gender it is their name that is fluid.[1]

- A Nomifluid individual can have any gender and they do not have to be genderfluid. If they are genderfluid then their changing name may be linked to the gender they experience at that moment, but it may not be linked.

- One who is Nomifluid may feel that their name is just fluid, in regard or regardless of gender. For instance, one day they use the name- Harris, then on Friday they may use the name River.

- Them being Nomifluid might be due to their gender. For example, one who feels as if one day they are a Demigirl and so may use the name- Morgan-, but another day may feel as if they are more Libragender and so may use the name River. Though it is important to note that the name doesn't have to line up with their gender.

- They may also be Nomifluid if they feel their preference changing, this may or may not be linked with Nomiflux, they may feel that the name they have, for instance, Morgan, doesn't work for them at that moment, or doesn't work at all and so use another name, for instance, River.


Namefluid as a term was coined by Mod AP on the tumblr blog Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags on February 18th 2019, alongside its flag.[2] The alternate flag was created by Wiki user: Classy Raven, the composition of the flag was inspired by the genderfluid flag.

Nomifluid was coined by Quora user Adrian Santiago on March 24th 2020. The same user created the flag. The meaning of the colors aren’t known.

Sub Terms

Label Flag Description
Demifraynominal Demifraynominal refers to someone who is sometimes, for what ever reason Fraynominal. This may be due to:
  • Losing the appeal of the name regardless of usage, i.e. Losing the appeal because it wasn’t used enough, or was used way too much.
  • It could attributed to feeling uncomfortable with the name.
  • They feel bored with the name, they feel as if it is just not for them.
  • Circumstances may change where they feel as if the name doesn’t suit them anymore, this may be due to personal circumstance, this may be due to their ever changing identity.

However, the majority of the time, they are not Fraynominal. This could be considered as them being Fraynominal in very specific circumstances.[3][4]

Emotunomifluid Refers to one's name changes depending on one's emotions, mood, and state of mind.
Fraynominal Fraynominal.png This refers to when an individual’s name is more likely to change than being used. For example, one could feel a connection to the name Ellie and begin using it socially, but after a while of being referred to it the connection is gradually broken.

(Citation needed)

Mutonominal Mutonominal.jpg Mutonominal is where one goes by certain names in certain situations or with certain individuals.

For instance, going by one name with their significant other verse another name with their friends. The individual may do this for a whole host of reasons, such as general protection, or if they feel they don’t want to be referred to a certain name in the workplace but would appreciate it more at home with their significant other. Or they use their deadname with family but their preferred name in the workplace.

This can also relate to the internet as well, which is called- Webnomiswap, where an individual swaps between a given set of names and another set of names based on whether they are on the internet or not. So for instance, they may use Samantha on the internet but Riley in person. (Citation needed)

Nomiflux Nomiflux.jpg Nomiflux is where an individual's preference of their name or set of names fluctuates in intensity. One may go by a set of names but only one or two in one week is the most preferred but then the next month most of the names in the set are the most preferred or are at the top.

lt doesn't necessarily mean they are genderflux as their name may not be linked as it may not be linked to their gender. (Citation needed)


The prefix nomi- was taken from the Latin word meaning Name = Nomen[5]

