Andro (orientation)

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Orientation: Any
Prefix: Andro-
GxG Format: @ x M

Genders: All
Attracted To: Men, Men-Aligned

The term Andro- has a few definitions and can refer to:

  • One having exclusive attraction to men (Synonymous with Maesexual), this definition does not address the individual who is attracted to men’s gender identity.
  • One has an attraction to those have a masculine presentation, regardless of the individual in question’s gender identity. (Synonymous with Mascsexual)
  • One having attraction to those with “male anatomy” regardless of the individual’s gender identity. (Note: This specific definition has been regarded by some to be transphobic/genitalist as it reduces individuals down to their genitals. And having attraction to one’s genitals is considered a sexual preference rather than an orientation.)



As mentioned in the description of the term, the term has been called transphobic and genitalist due to potentially having a preference to one's genitals, rather than the actual gender identity of the individual. Or that it could be mean that you are excluding trans individuals because you are reducing them down to genitalia.


Label Flag Description Coiner
Androcurious Androcurious is a term for someone who is primarily not attracted to men (nomascic) but considers experimenting or having relationships with men for some reason. It can be considered a state of questioning when one is unsure if they are mascic/androsexual. beyond-mogai-pride-flags[1]
Androflexible Androflexible (or Androflex) is a term for an individual who is mostly attracted to men but very occasionally feels attraction toward women or other genders. Bucyrus[2]
Androromantic Androromantic refers to an individual who is romantically attracted to men. Unknown
Androsexual Androsexual refers to an individual who is sexually attracted to men. Unknown
Androspikesexual Androspikesexual is a subset of androsexual and abrosexual. It is a term for individuals who mostly do not experience attraction to men and man-aligned individuals, but will occasionally feel attraction towards men and man-aligned individuals for a short amount of time in what can be described as a spike or jump. Unknown

