Alternating Attraction and Orientation

(Redirected from Alternating Orientation)
Alternating Attraction

Suffix: -alternating

Alternating Attraction is a form of attraction where someone's attraction type changes. For example; one day someone might be romantically attracted to someone, but the next day be platonically attracted to them. The type of attraction can change fluidly or it could "jump" between them without an in between.

Alternating attraction can be a term used on its own or it can be combined with other orientations. For example, one could be homoalternating, which means that when they experience alternating attraction, it is only towards the same gender.


The term alternating attraction and the flag were created by FANDOM Wiki user DaniellaAyup on June 14th, 2021.citation needed

Flags and Symbols

The purple represents sexual attraction, the green represents romantic, the yellow represents platonic, and the orange represents other tertiary attractions. The white represents the changing between multiple attraction types and the two arrows revolving each other show the cycle one could experience with their changing attraction type.citation needed
